Below are some of the projects I have worked on in the past couple years. To view more of my projects (especially coding related ones), visit my GitHub!
Automating Medical Documentation
One of the biggest problems in healthcare right now is a lack of resources in time and workforce, which in turn leads to sub-problems in the quality and accessibility of care.
At VitalWise, we are currently focused on affording medical professionals more time by automating their documentation. After each patient visit a physician spends as much time documenting the visit as they did seeing the patient.
We plan to solve this with out product that transcribes meeting conversations to notes, leverages AI to gather insights, and turns them into Electronic Medical Records.
Our actual repository is private, but check the basic version of our work in progress here!

PlanIt: Optimal Itinerary Builder
With the goal of easing travel planning, my teammates and I developed two separate optimization algorithms to produce an ideal itinerary automatically.
We accomplished this in two main steps:
First we collect data from Yelp on the top fifty activities, restaurants, and nightlife locations in the city of your choice, filter out the categories the user is not interested in, and use “preference curves” to obtain a unique profile of the user.
We then create a personalized score for every possible pairing of destinations, and run Dijkstra’s algorithm on those scores to find the best possible route through the city.
This resulted in a concise, mathematically optimal itinerary that users can trust will give them a satisfactory experience.
Check the PlanIt Website for more information on the project.

Tumor Bioluminescence Imaging
I led the technical portion of a tumor research project in the Zinselmeyer Lab at the Washington University School of Medicine, developing a product that automates and improves tumor imaging. Combining precise image processing with the appropriate hardware, I improved the quality and the rate of tumor imaging by 25%. My agile and research-driven approach and adept project management reduced project costs by 20%.
This imaging system assists critical pathology and immunology research, and the abstract for the whole project was selected for presentation at the 2023 World Molecular Imaging Society Conference.

Additional Projects at VitalWise
At VitalWise we focus on a variety of different areas to help our clients streamline their operations and improve their brand presence. We we able to reduce time spent on manual processes and company procedures by 30% on average and increase sales an average of 37% for our clients
We are unable to present most of our projects that involve client's data such as software (CRM, Notion, etc) integrations, Digital marketing, and more. But here are some of the websites we built for our clients at VitalWise Technology:
Check out the VitalWise website to learn more about us and our expertise as well as our other projects and clients.
Self-Erecting Pendulum
Using MATLAB and Simulink, and Quansar hardware my teammate and I developed both the real and the simulated "self erecting inverted rotary pendulum". In other words, we controlled a robotic arm using our code and programmed it to automatically swing up and hold its position.
View our demo video here!

Research Paper: The Revolutionary Potential of Cryptocurrency
I spent 4 months doing research into the possible applications of Cryptocurrency and how it could revolutionize our financial systems into safer, quicker and more transparent ones. The final product of this research was a presentation and a comprehensive research paper.

Self-Navigating Car Prototype
One of my first experiences working on a technical project was building a system to control a car's navigation autonomously. In this project, we used a Raspberry Pi and Python programming to navigate a car through any given circuit without human control.
We achieved this by having the car move around object in a given hallway without hitting them.